Megan Sibley

HCN Success Stories
Megan Sibley

I started exploring nursing during my last two years of high school. I decided to attend a vocational school to get my State Tested Nurse Aide (STNA) certification. This is when I fell in love with healthcare. I decided to become a nurse so I could do the absolute most for my patients and be a mentor for those following in my footsteps. I also chose this path for my kids. They motivate me to show them that it is important to have an education and to pursue the things you love.


I chose Hondros College of Nursing because of the support and guidance they offer. They are the first college I have attended with so many tutoring and study resources, this really helps you get through the term and excel on your exams. I have had many instructors and advisors sit with me and help me get through my struggles, whether it be daily or weekly.


To someone thinking about starting nursing school, know that nursing is a very rewarding career. Set a goal for yourself and be prepared to study and make school your number one priority for the next 15 months. If you set goals, stay determined and motivated, nothing will stand in your way of achieving your goals.


Megan Sibley is a student in the Associate Degree in Nursing Program at our Fairborn campus.