Student Catalog

Cost of Attendance

Cost of Attendance (COA) is established for use in determining Federal Student Aid eligibility. The COA below is an estimate of a student’s educational expenses for a 9-month, 36 quarter credit hour basis, full-time enrollment status, applicable program of study, and housing status.  

The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, defines COA components for all federal student aid programs. These components include direct costs, such as tuition and fees, and indirect costs, like food and housing.  COA can be adjusted annually to reflect changes to these cost components.

Cost of Attendance will vary depending on your program of study, credit hour enrollment, and housing status. Students are not allowed to receive aid that exceeds their COA. It is important to budget wisely and make responsible borrowing decisions. Please email [email protected] for COA information for enrollment other than full-time.

The COA below is an estimate of a student’s educational expenses for a 9-month, 36 quarter credit hour basis, full-time enrollment status, applicable program of study, and housing status. It does not represent the cost of the overall program nor when charges are applied.  All institutions of higher education are required to provide an estimated budget that would best state the average overall COA for a student to attend their school. In addition to tuition and fees, categorical items in this budget include the estimated cost of living expenses, books, supplies, & course materials, miscellaneous personal expenses, and transportation. The COA provides an idea, or estimate, of how much the student might need to spend, in addition to paying tuition and fees. These estimates can help to determine the student’s ability to attend HCN. Anything listed in the COA budget that is not tuition and fees is not owed to HCN unless the student purchases items through the College, such as books, computers, supplies, etc.

Diploma of Practical Nursing Student: 2024-25 Award Year

Federally Derived Cost of Attendance (COA)
9-Month Academic Year Basis, 36 credit hours, Full-time enrollment

Independent**, Off-Campus

Cost ComponentAmount
Tuition (36 credit hours)*$13,860.00
Books, Supplies, & Course Materials$2,524.32
Food & Housing (Living Expenses)$10,260.00
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$3,222.00

Dependent** with Parent or Military Housing

Cost ComponentAmount
Tuition (36 credit hours)*$13,860.00
Books, Supplies, & Course Materials$2,524.32
Food & Housing (Living Expenses)$5,139.00
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$3,114.00

*PN Students attending the Indianapolis Campus must add an additional Tuition & Fees charge of $411.60 and an additional $5.09 in Books & Supplies.
**As Determined by the United States Department of Education, Office of Federal Student Aid, Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).


Associate Degree Nursing Student (ADN): 2024-25 Award Year

Federally Derived Cost of Attendance (COA)
9-Month Academic Year Basis, 36 credit hours, Full-time enrollment

Independent**, Off-Campus

Tuition (36 credit hours)*$15,984.00
Books, Supplies, & Course Materials$2,685.24
Food & Housing (Living Expenses)$10,260.00
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$3,222.00

Dependent** with Parent or Military Housing

Tuition (36 credit hours)*$15,984.00
Books, Supplies, & Course Materials$2,685.24
Food & Housing (Living Expenses)$5,139.00
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$3,222.00

**As Determined by the United States Department of Education, Office of Federal Student Aid, Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).


Diploma of Medical Assisting Student (MA): 2024-25 Award Year

Federally Derived Cost of Attendance (COA)
9-Month Academic Year Basis, 36 credit hours, Full-time enrollment

OHIO/MICHIGAN - Independent**, Off-Campus

Tuition (36 credit hours)*$9,000.00
Books, Supplies, & Course Materials$1,254.26
Food & Housing (Living Expenses)$10,260.00
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$3,222.00

OHIO/MICHIGAN - Dependent** with Parent or Military Housing

Tuition (36 credit hours)*$9,000.00
Books, Supplies, & Course Materials$1,254.26
Food & Housing (Living Expenses)$5,139.00
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses$3,222.00

**As Determined by the United States Department of Education, Office of Federal Student Aid, Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).


Diploma of Medical Assisting

The U.S. Department of Education Office of Federal Student Aid (USDOE FSA) has changed how financial aid eligibility is determined for non-associate degree programs that do not fully transfer into an Associate Degree offered at the same institution. Hondros College of Nursing students enrolled in the Diploma of Medical Assisting program are not eligible to receive full financial aid funding due to a federal mandate known as the Clock-to-Credit hour conversion, outlined in Chapter 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, 668.8(k) and (l).

Despite HCN’s Medical Assisting program requiring 48 academic quarter credit hours to complete, the USDOE FSA clock-to-credit conversion requires that the College only offer 33.5 quarter credit hours of financial aid.  

The following chart provides a description of each Medical Assisting course and the applicable Title IV Federal Financial Aid eligibility conversion. For specifics concerning the academic work associated with the Medical Assisting program, please refer to the applicable academic section.

Term 1

CourseQuarter Academic Credits AssignedHours of Classroom Instruction TheoryHours of Instruction LabHours of Instruction ClinicalTotal Clock HoursConverted Federal Aid Credit Hour Eligibility
MAS 1004.004000402.00
MAS 1013.003000301.50
MAS 1023.003000301.50
MAS 1032.002000201.00
Quarter Totals12.00120001206.00

Term 2

CourseQuarter Academic Credits AssignedHours of Classroom Instruction TheoryHours of Instruction LabHours of Instruction ClinicalTotal Clock HoursConverted Federal Aid Credit Hour Eligibility
ENG 2003.003000301.50
MAS 1106.00208001005.00
MAS 1113.0020200402.00
Quarter Totals12.007010001708.50

Term 3

CourseQuarter Academic Credits AssignedHours of Classroom Instruction TheoryHours of Instruction LabHours of Instruction ClinicalTotal Clock HoursConverted Federal Aid Credit Hour Eligibility
MAS 1203.0010400502.50
MAS 1214.0010600703.50
MAS 1221.001000100.50
MAS 1231.001000100.50
MAS 1243.0010400502.50
Quarter Totals12.005014001909.50

Term 4

CourseQuarter Academic Credits AssignedHours of Classroom Instruction TheoryHours of Instruction LabHours of Instruction ClinicalTotal Clock HoursConverted Federal Aid Credit Hour Eligibility
MAS 1303.003000301.50
MAS 1312.002000201.00
MAS 132*7.001001801907.00
Quarter Totals12.006001802409.50

* HCN cannot award more credit for Title IV purposes than the amount of credit approved by our institutional accrediting agency ABHES and, under ABHES rules, HCN cannot award more than 7 credits for the MAS 132 course.



Total CreditsHours of Classroom Instruction TheoryHours of Instruction LabHours of Instruction ClinicalTotal Clock HoursConverted Federal Aid Credit Hour Eligibility
  • The overall MA Diploma program meets the necessary quarter hours of instruction to qualify as an eligible program for FSA purposes at 33.50 overall credit hours (the Federal requirement is 24 quarter hours). 
  • The MA Diploma program funding is determined and calculated according to the Converted Federal Financial Aid Credit Hour Eligibility Column.
  • It is the policy of HCN to use two decimal places at the individual course level for the conversion calculation.
  • At the overall term or quarter level assessment for Title IV purposes, HCN is not permitted to and does not round up. Therefore, aid is determined at the highest overall whole number point (e.g. 9.5 = 9 financial aid eligible hours).
  • For enrollment reporting and class level determination, Converted Federal Financial Aid Credits are used as the determining or reporting standard for Federal purposes including, but not limited to, enrollment reporting.
  • Currently, the MA Diploma is only available at HCN’s Ohio Campuses.


Cost of Attendance Components – Definitions

Below we provide the updated definitions of commonly used COA terms based on the statutory changes in section 472 of the HEA, incorporating, as applicable and/or requested via the Professional Judgement process:

Tuition and fees – charged by the College directly to the student
An amount normally assessed a student carrying the same full-time academic workload, as determined by the institution. 

Books, course materials, supplies, and equipment – possibly charged by the College, if the student purchases through HCN
An allowance for books, course materials, and equipment, which must include all such costs required of all students in the same course of study, including a reasonable allowance for the rental or upfront purchase of a personal computer, as determined by the institution.

Miscellaneous personal expenses – not charged by the College
An allowance, as determined by the institution, for a student attending the institution on at least a half-time basis.

Transportation – not charged by the College
An allowance, as determined by the institution, which may include transportation between campus, residences, and place of work. 

Living expensesnot charged by the College
An allowance for food and housing costs, as determined by the institution, to be incurred by the student attending the institution on at least a half-time basis, including a standard food allowance that provides the equivalent of three meals each day.

Dependent carenot charged by the College
An allowance based on the estimated actual expenses incurred for dependent care, based on the number and age of such dependents. The period for which dependent care is required includes, but is not limited to, class-time, study-time, field work, internships, and commuting time.

Disability-related expensesnot charged by the College
An allowance, as determined by the institution, for expenses associated with a student’s disability, including special services, personal assistance, transportation, equipment, and supplies that are reasonably incurred and not provided for by other agencies.

Professional licensure, certification, or a first professional credentialpossibly charged by the College, if the student purchases through HCN, please contact [email protected] for further information.
An allowance for the costs associated with obtaining a license, certification, or a first professional credential, for a student in a program that prepares them to enter a profession that requires such a qualification.