Student Catalog

Students are required to have personal laptops for classroom and online learning experiences and any other educational activity. Technology requirements for student laptops for all programs are listed below:

  • A non-ARM based, multi-core Windows-compatible processor, that operates at a minimum of 2.0 GHz.
  • Windows 10 operating system or newer. Alternate versions of Windows 10, such as Windows RT and Windows 10 S, are not supported.
  • Minimum 4 GB of usable RAM; 8GB or more recommended.
  • Minimum 100 GB of free hard disk space or more; 256 GB or more recommended.
  • Built-in microphone and speakers or headset.
  • A display capable of 1024 x 768 resolution or greater.
  • A modern graphics card capable of producing high-quality graphics and video.
  • A wireless card or built-in wireless networking.
  • An installed copy of Microsoft - HCN licenses Office 365 for all enrolled students.
  • Anti-virus software (current and regularly updated according to the software manufacturer).
  • Wired headset or wired earbuds for exams; wireless devices are not permitted for testing.
  • Webcam for virtual lecture and exams as applicable.
  • The latest versions of:
    • Chrome
    • Firefox
    • Java
    • Adobe Acrobat Reader

    In addition, students need access to a broadband internet connection of 3Mbps or greater. Students using adaptive technology are recommended to use JAWS (version 10.0 or later) or Window-Eyes (version 7.0 or later) with MyClassroom.

    Students receive a technology package, which includes a laptop, software, and capabilities for wireless connection. Having the accessibility of a laptop will allow students to stay connected with their classmates and faculty throughout their courses. All students are responsible for acquiring wireless access off campus. Free wireless access is available at each College campus.

    Every student is expected to be proficient and responsible with the technology used at the College; this includes:

    • College e-mail - Enrolled students are given a College student e-mail address. This e-mail address will be used to communicate with faculty, administration, and fellow students; it is the official e-mail address the College will use to communicate with students. Students should check their Hondros College of Nursing e-mail at least daily.
    • CAMS Student Portal - Students will be required to utilize the Student Portal throughout their program. The College will post vital information, including addenda to this catalog, on the Student Portal. It is the responsibility of the student to access the Student Portal to:
      • a. read news postings;
      • b. stay current on changes/addenda to the Student Catalog;
      • c. receive documentation and communication specific to his or her student record;
      • d. access official midterm and final grades;
      • e. complete end-of-term evaluations;
      • f. access unofficial transcripts;
      • g. access the student email system; and,
      • h. access the MyClassroom platform.
    • MyClassroom – All students taking classes traditionally offered online at Hondros College of Nursing will utilize the MyClassroom learning management system as their course classroom. The MyClassroom platform houses course lessons and documents, assignments and assessments, discussion forums, and the course gradebook. Students should log in to their online courses at least once per day. As applicable, the Dean of the Medical Assisting program, Campus Deans/Director of Nursing or designee provides technical support for electronic educational products including, but not limited to, MyClassroom, HESI, Connect, etc.

    Students are shown how to access the learning management system utilizing their own personal username and password.

    While students are welcome and encouraged to contact the Helpdesk and student support services on their campuses for assistance, issues that cannot be resolved locally are escalated to the support team that administrates the Hondros MyClassroom learning management system.

    This team can be reached by phone or email during the following hours:

    • Monday – Friday: 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. ET
    • Saturday: 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. ET
    • Sunday: 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. (Midnight) ET

    For assistance, students should call 855-90-NURSE or email [email protected].