I have been interested in medicine for as long as I can remember. I started off at another university working towards my undergraduate in biology with thoughts of going into medical school. While working in the Emergency room at Mercy Medical Center in Springfield, I spoke with some of my coworkers and decided to get my EMT and Fire certifications while I was still going to school. I became an EMT and firefighter, then later ended up becoming a paramedic. I have spent the last 22 years obtaining 2 degrees and working as a paramedic. I have worked full-time for a fire department, part-time in emergency rooms, and doing transport with MICU and PICU teams. I always wanted to go back and get my nursing degree. I love learning and the chance to make a difference in someone's life. Caring for people is what I was meant to do, it is my true passion!
I decided to attend Hondros College of Nursing because it allowed me to get started sooner than later. I was able to use my previous college credits and experience to start as a direct entry student in the ADN program. Additionally, there was no waiting list so I could start right away with an easy admissions process. The location was perfect, and the classes worked with my current schedule.
My advice for nursing school is to make sure you are in the right mind frame of being goal oriented. You must want it. If you do not put in the work, you will not achieve the goal. It is doable even as a single working parent. Even on the hard days, just keep swimming!
Carey Smith is a student in the Associate Degree in Nursing program at our Fairborn campus. She is currently working as a paramedic at Mount Carmel Grove City Emergency Department and has achieved President's List and Dean's list while at Hondros College of Nursing.