After 9/11, I had a strong calling to do something to help, and to find a way to serve my country. At 17, between my junior and senior years of high school, I enlisted in the US Army. In the spring of 2020 when COVID rocked the nation, and the whole world watched as the USNS Comfort sailed into New York Harbor, again I felt the call to serve. Only this time it was as an adult, mother, wife, and business owner. Thus, the decision to go back to school full-time was a hard one. One of the hardest decisions that I ever made has turned into one of the most rewarding blessings. Feeling that "call to serve" is something that you feel in your core, and I don't think it ever goes away.
To succeed here at Hondros, be sure to have a "giving" attitude. Give it your all for exams, homework, and clinicals. Give your attention in class. Give empathy to your peers who are struggling. Give yourself grace if you feel you're missing out on family time to study. Give yourself motivation to remember you really can do anything for just one year. Give yourself pride knowing you're accomplishing what you set out to do.
For those considering nursing school, you need to be goal oriented, and not let anything hold you back, not even a failure, setback, or a bad day. When you set your goals in motion, it's no longer just a dream. You need to understand that you can do it. My best advice is to be aware of your attitude. I was once told that your attitude is just as important as your ability, and when you start nursing school you need to be able to align those two things for success.
Remember to take time for your own mental health. Take an extra five minutes in the car belting out your favorite song before going home or call a friend to talk. Remember that even the most experienced nurses started out exactly where you are now, and this too shall pass!
Kayla Detty is a student in the Associate Degree in Nursing program at our Westerville campus. She works at Mount Carmel St. Ann's as an LPN and has received the Nightingale Award while attending HCN.