Lakesha Hill

HCN Success Stories

I have always wanted to be a nurse. Ever since I was a little girl, I loved helping others. I would even pretend I was a nurse with my little sister and cousins. When I was pregnant, I had the nicest nurses and doctors. They were all so supportive and caring; they made me want to do what they were doing. So, after I got an honorable discharge from the U.S. Navy, I used my GI Bill to become a medical assistant. I wanted to first see if the medical field was something I truly wanted to do. It turned out that I loved helping my patients and families.


I had seen some of Hondros College of Nursing’s ads on social media and they looked promising. I ended up talking with admissions who were professional, knowledgeable, and walked me though the whole process. Everything just fell in place. Also, the timing was right, so, I figured why wait!


To those considering nursing, go for it and don't wait. Be sure to prepare and research all the relevant information first. Try to remain positive and don’t be so hard on yourself. Time management is key so make sure you get that in order.


Lakesha Hill is a student in the Practical Nursing Program at our Bingham Farms campus.