Taijah R. Wilkerson

HCN Success Stories

My mother encouraged both my sister and myself into nursing. I already have a caring nature and love helping a variety of people. If all goes as planned, I would love to achieve my master’s in nursing and work in either pediatrics or education.

I wanted to attend Hondros College of Nursing because of the campus tour. The staff were beyond wonderful and I could envision myself attending campus and expanding my potential with HCN.

To those considering nursing, make sure your heart and dedication are in the right place. It’s key to surround yourself with the right people and to keep your intentions pure while going through this journey. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for help from those around you! You’re surrounded by more support than you may realize.

Taijah R. Wilkerson is a student in the Practical Nursing Program at our Bingham Farms campus.